Performed by the MusicON ensemble: Yeji Pyun – Violin; Clara Cho – Cello; KaiChen Cheng – Flute; YuTing Cheng – Clarinet; Foo Jeng Wong – Piano; Hwanee Pak – Percussion

You have to be very careful making your decisions. Any small thing could have massive ripple effects further down the line, transforming ideas that you don’t even know exist yet. At the same time, you have to make the decision somehow. Get something down, or else nothing gets done.

I find the idea of “choose your own adventure” scenarios interesting. You are presented with binary choices – ostensibly given agency over whether things are going, but with such a meticulously crafted scenario, how much control do you really have? How meaningful are the choices you make if every one of them had to be planned and accounted for?

For additional information, questions, or parts requests, contact Aidan.